Step-by-Step Guide to Sunekos Injections

  1. Consultation and Assessment:Schedule a consultation with a qualified healthcare professional who specializes in Sunekons Injections in Dubai. During this initial meeting, discuss your skin concerns and goals. The healthcare professional will assess your skin condition to determine if Sunekos is suitable for you.
  2. Treatment Plan and Preparation:Based on your assessment, the healthcare professional will create a personalized treatment plan. They will explain the recommended Sunekos option, either Sunekos 200 or Sunekos 1200, depending on your specific needs. You will also be informed about the number of sessions required for optimal results.
  3. Pre-Treatment Preparation:Before the treatment, follow any instructions provided by the healthcare professional. These may include avoiding certain medications, supplements, or skincare products that could interfere with the procedure. It is essential to have clean, makeup-free skin on the day of the treatment.
  4. Numbing Cream Application (Optional):If desired, a topical numbing cream may be applied to minimize discomfort during the injection process. The healthcare professional will advise you on whether this is necessary.
  5. Sunekos Injection Procedure:The healthcare professional will clean the treatment area and begin the injection process. Using a fine needle, they will carefully administer the Sunekos solution into the target areas of your skin. The injections are typically performed in a series of small, controlled injections across the treated area.
  6. Post-Treatment Care:After the injections, the healthcare professional may provide specific aftercare instructions. These may include avoiding excessive sun exposure, wearing sunscreen, and refraining from intense physical activity or saunas for a certain period of time. Follow these instructions to ensure proper healing and optimal results.
  7. Follow-Up and Maintenance:Depending on your treatment plan, additional sessions may be scheduled. Typically, a series of four sessions are recommended, spaced 7 to 10 days apart. After completing the initial treatment, maintenance sessions are usually advised every six months to sustain the desired results.
  8. Combining Sunekos with Other Treatments:Sunekos can be complemented with other skin rejuvenation treatments such as microneedling, skin peels, or laser procedures. Discuss with your healthcare professional if you are interested in combining Sunekos with other treatments to enhance your overall skin rejuvenation.
  9. Patience and Gradual Improvement:Keep in mind that the full benefits of Sunekos may take time to become apparent. It is common to notice gradual improvements in your skin over the course of several weeks. Allow at least a week after completing all four sessions for the optimal results to manifest.

Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance regarding Sunekos injections. They will ensure that the treatment is performed safely and effectively, tailored to your specific needs and skin condition.